I'm ready for my new family!

Hi! My Name Is Hank

I'm Available

My name is Hank Sr. I was found on the side of the road in Greensburg by a good Samaritan. Her mom said no more dogs and told her to call Pen Pals. Thank goodness they took me in! I was getting tired of walking and begging for food. They poked me with some needles and told me I had heartworms. Don't worry though. They started me on some medicines that will make me all better. I know it sounds strange coming from a dog, but I DO NOT like other dogs. They just get in my way. If you don't have any other pets, I'd be happy to be your 1 and only!

  • Terrier - American Pit Bull & Dad Is the Milkman
  • Male
  • 5 Years OldMy DoB is 09/16/2019 (Estimated)
  • 51 - 60 Pounds
  • Louisiana
  • Red & White
  • High Energy
  • Not Tested With Kids
  • I Don't Like Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • I Don't Like Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
  • I'm Currently In Training
Special Needs (Medical)
Heartworm Positive
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